Waste Water Treatment Plant
Effluent Treatment Plant

“Don’t let the water run in the sink, our life’s on the brink!”
Effluent treatment is a method through which the waste water released by the factories and manufacturing industries is stored and pre-treated before released to agriculture sector and various others purposes. Effluent treatment plant manufacturer in Delhi, we are Aryan Enviro Solutions strive to ensure the purity of the waste water. There are three key points which use in the process of effluent treatment plants like:
- Wire mesh, wire cloth and mechanical separators are used to pass the effluents so that high density dirtiness can be removed successfully.
- To pass the effluent through aerators, oxygen is added to it to preserve the essential chemical structure of the water particles. Chlorine is also added depending on the level of dirty water.
- In the last process, trickling filters are used to purify the impurities water. Mostly this process rarely comes into action.
Our engineers, scientists and a number of technicians work hard to provide best-in class solutions for effluent treatment. We are not only an effluent treatment plant manufacturer in Delhi, we also offer a wide range of innovative products that help these plants to work properly and flawlessly. With our deep research and well equipped labs, we test the purity level of the water before releasing it for various purposes.